Friday, January 30, 2015

General Public vs. Some Scientists

Are you uneducated? According to a recent study by Pew Research Center  the difference between what scientists believe concerning scientific issues and what the general public believes, is  vastly separated(to see a shorter version of the study click here).   These scientists contribute the gap to our lack of understanding of what is being discussed.   Some scientist are faulting the education system for not teaching more science and math.   As the public, should we believe what these scientist are saying?           

Butter is Better  
 Let's look at history.  At one point scientists believed that the world was flat. Along came Galileo and he challenged that thought.  Was he uneducated?  Did he lack understanding?  Not at all.  He studied himself to have a better understanding and in the end had a better understanding than the majority that believed he was wrong.  Doctors used to think that bleeding people was the best way to "get the sickness out" of a person.  Now, we know that this is not helpful.   In recent years more scientists are realizing that margarine is not as good for you as they initially thought.  

  My point is this.  Scientists are learning too.  Do not let them tell you that all of their thoughts and theories are better than what you believe.  Just because one thing they say is true, does not imply that it is all true.  As Christians we need be responsible and test what we are hearing against Scripture and physical evidence.  

  Here's a thought.  How would these scientist respond to this hypothetical scenario. ... 

A recent poll showed that 95% of Christian theologians believe the Bible is true and historically accurate.  But only 56% percent of the general public agree with them.  Therefore, theologians have come to the conclusion that people are uneducated in the Bible and the education system needs to spend more time teaching the Bible alongside the historical facts that point to its accuracy

..... I have a feeling that this wouldn't go over very well. In reality how much hard, factual evidence( not based on their own theories) do these scientist have?  You have the right to know what else is being discovered.  To start your education excursion click here.



  1. Ivy, I enjoyed reading your blog post for this week. Your content, writing/links/images, are great. This is an interesting topic because I believe it's relevant to society today. I thought the debates between Evolution vs. Creationism. I attended public school, the only theory taught was Evolution. I believe if the theory of Evolution is taught, the story of Creation should be taught as well. It seems, as if, anything biblical is shunned by the education system. It's sad.

  2. Ivy great points. I remember talking about this topic in high school and a couple times while in college and it is amazing how much the could have know if the where to read the Bible. Most of the answers they wanted then where in the Bible somewhere. I wish I could find the picture of the Bible time, old time and our time says about the world and everything in it. It made me chuckle a little bit that the answer is in our face.
