Friday, February 27, 2015

FAA Releases Drone Regulations

                There is nothing like looking at a big open sky.  But will this scene change in the next five years?  Do you expect anything other than birds and planes to be flying through the air? Last week the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) revealed the proposed laws for drone ownership and operation.  Drones have been used by the government and military for some time, but these laws consider the release of ownership and operation rights to business owners who are civilians. 

                Now that the regulations have been released they are under  public review and comment.  This means that we will most likely not see any drones  flying around for a few years as the period for review last  at least until 2017.

                Many drones are used for surveillance reasons  and they can also be used for remote controlled attacks(specifically in the military).   Video cameras can be attached to these unmanned flying machines as well.   In some ways these drones are beneficial, but like anything if they get in the wrong hands they can cause great devastation. What will these drones do?  Will they be beneficial, and what does it mean  for our society? 

                Interestingly, when the FAA released their regulations the president also issued a presidential decision directive that requires federal agencies using drones to disclose to the government where they are flying the drones and what kind of information is being collected from the drones.   This has not been required in the past.   Do we really want a centralized federal agency?

                I couldn't help but think off George Orwell's  1984 and the telescreen.  If the government is requiring all information gather from these drones to be shared with the government, what does that say about our right to privacy.  

                If a government can make people share information, why can't they make people have "telescreens" in their homes.  Where does the association between technology and government stop?  Are technological advancements good if they are only being used to the benefit of one entity.  The question then becomes, who will be the entity to have control over all the others?

                As citizens what should our response be in this time of review and comment?  At this time, we still have the right to share our thoughts, opinions, and concerns.  I encourage you to make your thoughts known to our government. As usually the government can find us, but they cannot be found(I could find no link to make comments on this issue). Maybe you will have better luck. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

FDA approves 23andMe DNA testing kit

             When you hear the word genetics, what's the first thing that pops into your mind?  I think of my grandmother.   For as long as I can remember, I have been told that I look like her and I can see this for myself. 

                Our facial features are not the only thing that shows our relation.  Our hands are the same size, we wear the same shoe size, we both have blond hair and blue eyes and the list goes on.  These are the parts of DNA that we can see, but what about the parts we can't?

                After previously banning DNA testing technologies, the Food and Drug Administration announced  this week that they have approved a genetic testing product created by 23andMe.  The relatively inexpensive product($99.00), provides the consumer  with their genetic information.  This includes: genetic traits, mutations, ancestral heritage and more.  Once you have taken the test, your results will be sent to you via email and scientific discoveries or news that relate to your information will also be provided. 

                A key aspect of this specific organization is to combine the internet technology with Scientific technology.   Genetic testing is not wrong, in fact I have seen firsthand how it can be helpful to those struggling with health issues.  But my question is this; if the internet already has an abundance of our information, should we also give it our genetic information. 

                 Up until recently, our genetic information has been something relatively hard to access and when it was accessed its accessibility to others was limited.  We need to be careful with whom we share this  information and how we use it.  If the internet were to leave control of the private sector and be owned by governments, should the government be able to look at our genetic information and decide who is genetically better than others?   Before we even had genetic testing the results of government prejudices became devastating(ex: Nazi Germany ). 

                The information we gain from this testing can be used to positively treat deficiencies and help peoples bodies function correctly.    But people can also use the information to  choose whether or not they will have children, or if they should genetically change their children.   

                No matter what the results of this advancement imply for our society, we need to remember who is in control.  The genetic deficiencies and mutations are a result of sin.  God did not intend for our incredible DNA system to make mistakes.  God knows our physical genetics but  he also sees our spiritual life.  He cares about  how we use the information He has given us.  Let's use it wisely for His glory, not for our own design.   

Resources: BBC News, 23andMe  

Friday, February 13, 2015

Five years - The Solar Dynamics Observatory

               What were you doing five years ago on February 11th? It's okay if you don't remember, because  neither do I .  On the other hand, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) remembers exactly what happened; the Solar Dynamics Observatory was launched. 

Photo courtesy of SDO 

                  This incredible instrument captures images of the sun almost every second.  The information that is provided allows scientist to better understand  the Sun's eruptions ,magnetic fields, and its relation to the Earth's weather.  Celebrating the 5th anniversary of the launch NASA has created two videos which show some of the best images taken over the last five years.  I have posted one of those videos below.  I encourage you to watch it before you continue.

                  After watching this video I was in awe.  In awe of a Creator who spoke the sun into existence and put the laws in place that keep our universe together.  In Genesis 1:14-19 we read,   

 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so.  And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars.  And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth,  to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.   And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day. (ESV)

                Do you ever find yourself looking at technology in a negative light?  When you do remember this; God has allowed technological advances like the Solar Dynamics Observatory  to point to his glory and majesty.  

                You can appreciate the technology that God allows, but don't let it pull you away from Him.  Allow it to remind you that we have an incredible Creator and He is in control of everything.   Most importantly  remember  that  He has created something far superior to technology and he loves that creation very much.  Just look in the box below. 


Friday, February 6, 2015

The 3 Parent Child

Photo courtesy of 

                Since the dawn of time a child has been formed from the DNA of one father and one mother.  Did you ever think that one day DNA from three people would be present in a child?  On Tuesday the House of Commons in the United Kingdom voted in favor of mitochondria donation. 

                Like me you might be wondering what is mitochondria, and why would it be donated?   The mitochondria are the parts of a cell that regulate the growth and energy of a cell.  They are not a part of the nucleus(to see a full description click here).  If the mitochondria of a woman's egg cells are defective, their children are more likely to have life challenging or threatening diseases.  
                Mitochondria donation looks at the possibility of taking the nucleus out of an egg with bad mitochondria and placing it in the egg from a woman with good mitochondria.  The DNA of the natural parents will remain untouched in the nucleus(which controls personality, gender, hair color etc.) and the healthy mitochondria of the donor will surround it.  The result is a child with DNA from three people.  This change would be permanent, meaning that the child's children will all have the healthy mitochondria DNA.

Photo courtesy of Center for Genetics and Society 

                There are two ways this swap can take place.  First, with an unfertilized egg.  Second, with a fertilized embryo.  In the second situation both the donor and mother's eggs must be fertilized.  That means that the nucleus of the donor must be removed and discarded.  There goes another life.  It seems ironic that in order to save one life, you would kill another.  It is one thing when a person gives their life for another; it is all together different when a person's life is "volunteered" for death.

                What does this mean for the future?  If we have the scientific know-how and  technology to swap a nucleus, why not change the nucleus.  As a Christian what should our biblical response be?  Scientific and technological advances are a part of the world we live in, but how will we use them?  Are we using them to destroy or save a life?  When faced with challenging situations whose decision does it become, the governments , the doctors, or the individuals?  Ultimately where will it lead, where does it lead you?