Friday, March 13, 2015

Climate Change- Weather or Not?

Next Friday is a day I'm sure we've all been waiting for.  The first day of Spring.  The birds are singing, the trees are budding, and most importantly, the snow is melting.  If I asked you what causes the snow to melt, what would you say? I don't know about you but I vote for the sun.  Last week I couldn't help but capture this reality through my window, as a host of icicles began melting in the face of the afternoon sun. 

                A study done by the University of Southern Denmark caught some attention in the news this week.  The study announced that the earth's orbit/rotation around the sun is the utmost cause of global climate change. It took rocket scientists to figure that one out.

                In recent years the hype about global warming, or what has now been termed global climate change, has kept the attention of scientists and politicians alike.  Back in 2009 there was an incident where scientists "dumped" raw data concerning temperature changes; not presenting all the information.  

                More recently in January, Paul Homewood covered in his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog that scientists around the world have been fudging the temperature records to indicate that global warming is happening.  In reality it has been getting cooler.  This was of course met with opposition, and  made sure that people knew that anything Homewood reported was incorrect. 

       conveyed that the U.S. Department of Commerce Inspector General  and the Environmental Protection Agency  investigated the situation and found no errors or manipulation.  But then of course the government couldn't find the Lois Lerner emails either. 

                In light of all this information swirling around us, what should we believe?  First, we need to understand that climate change has been happening for many many years.  People used to call it weather.  If the climate didn't change we wouldn't have our seasons.   Second, the closer or further away the earth moves from the sun in its orbit will cause change in climate. 

               Third, although people are not the cause of climate change, we can effect it if we are not good stewards of what God has given us.  We should be knowledgeable consumers.   Lastly, we need to live with the understanding that natural air patterns, volcanic eruptions, rock plate movements, and more, also contribute to changing weather.   Watch this video

For additional insights check out this article


  1. Great job at including so many links! The video was a really great short synopsis of the topic of your article. I would say add more pictures within your blog to break up the paragraphs, I think that would help me stay more engaged. Good job!

  2. Ivy good topic. As a person who hates the cold I always wish there was global warming but as the weather has been changing and how things seem it looks like it global cooling especially over the last six years. Do you believe in global cooling? By the way great title, it was definitely an eye catcher. Over all great article, I enjoyed it.

  3. Ivy, an interesting topic to write about! First, I liked your title. The play on words was neat. I appreciated the stance you took concerning this issue and you backed your view up with research. This part of your blog jumped out at me, " First, we need to understand that climate change has been happening for many many years. People used to call it weather." Good way to say it. Really well done with this post!
