Friday, April 24, 2015

Meteors and the Apostle Paul's Conversion

Science and the Bible have seemed to be battling each other since the days of Darwin and molecules to man evolution.  I have met many that aren't too concerned about whether the Bible and science agree.  But the top story of NewScientist  this week might catch their attention in a new way.

"Falling meteor may have changed the course of Christianity."   What does this headline mean?  William Hartmann , co-founder of the Planetary Science Institute,  suggests that the bright light from heaven that the Apostle Paul witnessed at his conversion could be similar to the  fireball meteor that was seen in Chelyabinsk, Russia in 2013.  

Check out the video below.   Watch up until 1:20 and then jump to 6:10-7:24. 

Hartmann believes the voice Paul heard could have been the explosion, and the shock wave could have knocked them all to the ground.   

Before continuing, read the following accounts recorded in the Bible.  Acts 9:1-19, 22:1-21, 26:1-22

One of my favorite books "Children of God" 

Just because the events may look similar on the outside, it does not mean that that is what happened.  First of all, a light from heaven does not need to be explained in a "natural" sense.  God is the light (John 8:12, 12:35, 1 Peter 2:9, Rev. 21:23).  

The presence of God has always been referred  to as or being accompanied by light.  At the transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-13) the disciples saw this on display.  Verse two describes,  "There he was transfigured before them.  His face shone like the sun, and his cloths became as white as the light". 

Paul makes it clear in His testimony that it was Jesus who was speaking to him.  It should come as no surprise that the resurrected and ascended Jesus  would choose to show Himself in light. 

Jesus also made it clear that not all who heard Him could understand what He was saying(Luke 8:10).  The message that Paul received that day was not one for all to understand.  God has the capability of opening the ears of some and not others.

 Lastly, shock waves do not need to be present for people to fall to the ground.  Just the light  itself would be enough to make me fall to the ground in fear and wonder. 

As Christians we need to be on guard when others try to explain away the miraculous acts of God, in human terms.  Speculation is not truth.   

If Christians doubt the miraculous of God in calling Paul to the mission of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, what else could they doubt?  Believing Hartmann's "scientific" view could encourage people to doubt the miraculous of Christ's work or even the resurrection. 

 Science always  points towards the beauty and power of God, it never takes away from it.

Resources:  NewScientist, Daily Mail 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Deicing Airplane Wings the Poison Dart Frog Way

Close your eyes for a second and picture  your favorite animal.  Why is that animal your favorite?  Is it a memory attached to that animal? How about its color, its abilities, its unusual quirks?

Do you realize that scientists observe animals to get new ideas concerning technological and scientific  innovations.   Men saw birds flying and they wanted to fly.  They looked at their anatomy and skeletal structure in order to replicate it. 

Now people can fly but they face new challenges.  So rather than looking at birds, the focus has turned towards frogs. 

 It is common for ice to gather on the wings of an airplane if it is too cold and there is too much moisture in the atmosphere.   The water that gathers and freezes on the wings can change the shape of the wings and effect the airplane's flying capabilities.  

No doubt many of us have found ourselves sitting in an airport waiting for better weather so planes can fly safely.   Many times these delays are made long so there will be enough time to spray down parts of the airplane with anti-freeze.

Arizona State University professor  Konrad Rykaczewski  decided to tackle the problem of deicing the wings of planes in a faster and more efficient way.

 A word you should know before continuing

repels water  so much that water drops roll off(or bead) instead of staying on the surface.   This is what happens to water when it hits a Rain-X coated windshield.

Photo by George Grall - National Geographic

Rykaczewski's inspiration was the poison dart frog.  He realized that airplane wings could have porous superhydrophobic material on their tops and bottoms.  The anti-freeze will be stored in the porous areas and when water begins to freeze on the surface the anti-freeze is released.  

This is modeled after the skin of the poison dart frog, which holds its poison in glands until it feels threatened.  At this point the toxins are released to protect the frog. 

Much research is yet to be done on this new innovation before it is used commercially on airplanes.  However, recent tests show that this process delays frost time 10x's longer than current practices in deicing. 

Please note that this video moves very quickly.  I suggest stopping it at points so you can get the whole idea

When I read this research,  I couldn't help but smile at the fact that scientists were looking at frogs to get ideas about deicing airplane wings.

God is so good.  He provided the frog with exactly what it needed to survive.  At the same time God lets us discover his creativity on our own.  This report helps all of us remember that man can only manufacture what God has already created. 

By the way, if you haven't guessed, my favorite animal is the frog.   

Friday, April 10, 2015

The Future of Wireless Technology- 5G part 2

"How can 5G wireless technology be used to aid in Bible translation and share Jesus Christ with the nations?"  I hope you have had some time to think about this question I posed in the last post.  Many times we hear about the negative perspectives of this evolving and invasive technology.  I think it is about time we focus on the positive results.

Courtesy of Wycliffe Associates  

In 1999 the leaders at Wycliffe BibleTranslators and Wycliffe Associates set the goal of starting Bible translation in every language by 2025.  Right now, there are close to 2,000 languages yet to be started. That means 200 translations need to be started every year for the next 10 years.   This enormous task could not be accomplished without  technological advancements. 

Photo courtesy of Wycliffe Associates 

One of the greatest technological aids are Bible Translation Acceleration Kits.  The kits include a solar panel, a satellite communication terminal, a battery, power supply, and a portable netbook computer.  This allows translation teams in remote villages to communicate with translation consultants that live half way around the world.

I mentioned that 5G technology is faster, carries more information, and aims for seamless language translation.  In five years Wycliffe will have technology at their finger tips which will accelerate the translation process on the global level.

Imagine translators receiving updates more quickly.  Imagine entire files of the New and Old Testaments being sent electronically to the people who need them.  Imagine translation teams from many language groups communicating with ease.

As a Christian it is exciting to see the possibility that every language group will hear the message of Jesus Christ in my life time.  It is encouraging to see how God puts together the goals and missions of His people and the work in the secular world, to bring about His glory. 

We as Christians can see how 5G wireless technology can aid in the work of God, however we should not forget that others can use it against the work of God.  5G wireless technology could be used to track down Bible translators in countries where it is illegal to be a Christian. 

Pray that God blesses the use of new technology in Bible translation. Pray for the safety of our brothers and sisters using this technology.  Pray for wisdom.  

Resources: Wycliffe Bible Translators, Wycliffe Associates 

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Future of Wireless Technology- 5G

                Stop for a moment and think about how many things in your home are wireless?  How often do you use wireless technology?  Do you remember when wireless technology was only a dream? Where is wireless going in the future?    

The latest from Apple

                This week The Economist shared the latest advancements in what has now been called 5G wireless, in other words fifth generation wireless.   This new form of wireless technology is predicted to penetrate the air waves in 2020.  A quick look at 5G shows that this advancement focuses more on transferring information rather than a person's voice.

                A sense of urgency drives this wireless technology.  The faster it is perfected and delivered the sooner people will gain access to large amounts of information.  

                How large is large?  The current 4G system of wireless technology streams  10-100 Megabits per second.  5G will look at streaming 1 Gigabit per second.   That means 1000 Megabits per second ( a Megabit is 1/8 of a Megabyte).  Hopefully under the new system we will be able to stream videos  with 4K-8K formats on our mobile devices.   

First time leaving home on wireless technology

                 5G also introduces a global standard. It will create the means necessary to keep your personal phone and phone number, no matter where you are in the world!

                Do you want to communicate with people who speak a different language? 5G has it covered.   This wireless technology will strive for seamless language translation.   5G just took the meaning of globalization to a whole new level.   

How about in home wireless- that was an upgrade

                Unfortunately,  this new wireless system will need a new form of transmission.  The current optical-fibre are not capable in transmitting the reach of this new wireless technology.   To make 5G possible it will have to be sent through super high or extremely high frequency waves. 

Remember the wall phone?

                However, these waves can be blocked easily by walls and such.  Therefore, cellular towers will need to be placed closer together and have more antennas.   Thankfully, it is being considered how to make these look less obtrusive.   

"Operator give me..."

                Earlier I mentioned that there is a greater emphasis on information than voice.  But isn't information a voice in itself?  Though we might not be hearing a audible voice, what voices are we listening to through this medium that is connecting us to the rest of the world?

                Is there really a urgent need to have access to oodles of information at our finger tips?  Is a greater connection to the rest of the world pulling us away from the world and people that are around us?

                What would God have us do?  How does he want us to spend our time? What are positive outlooks on globalization in light of Scripture?  Lastly, how can 5G wireless technology be used to aid in Bible translation and share Jesus Christ with the nations?  To be continued...

Friday, March 13, 2015

Climate Change- Weather or Not?

Next Friday is a day I'm sure we've all been waiting for.  The first day of Spring.  The birds are singing, the trees are budding, and most importantly, the snow is melting.  If I asked you what causes the snow to melt, what would you say? I don't know about you but I vote for the sun.  Last week I couldn't help but capture this reality through my window, as a host of icicles began melting in the face of the afternoon sun. 

                A study done by the University of Southern Denmark caught some attention in the news this week.  The study announced that the earth's orbit/rotation around the sun is the utmost cause of global climate change. It took rocket scientists to figure that one out.

                In recent years the hype about global warming, or what has now been termed global climate change, has kept the attention of scientists and politicians alike.  Back in 2009 there was an incident where scientists "dumped" raw data concerning temperature changes; not presenting all the information.  

                More recently in January, Paul Homewood covered in his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog that scientists around the world have been fudging the temperature records to indicate that global warming is happening.  In reality it has been getting cooler.  This was of course met with opposition, and  made sure that people knew that anything Homewood reported was incorrect. 

       conveyed that the U.S. Department of Commerce Inspector General  and the Environmental Protection Agency  investigated the situation and found no errors or manipulation.  But then of course the government couldn't find the Lois Lerner emails either. 

                In light of all this information swirling around us, what should we believe?  First, we need to understand that climate change has been happening for many many years.  People used to call it weather.  If the climate didn't change we wouldn't have our seasons.   Second, the closer or further away the earth moves from the sun in its orbit will cause change in climate. 

               Third, although people are not the cause of climate change, we can effect it if we are not good stewards of what God has given us.  We should be knowledgeable consumers.   Lastly, we need to live with the understanding that natural air patterns, volcanic eruptions, rock plate movements, and more, also contribute to changing weather.   Watch this video

For additional insights check out this article

Friday, March 6, 2015

Robear from RIKEN

         At one point in your life you may have slept with a teddy bear in your arms, but did you ever consider that one a day you would leave your bed in the arms of a teddy bear? 

                Enter Robear.  Last week RIKEN(the largest scientific research institution in Japan) announced that they are working  on a robot that will be used in the nursing care field.  This teddy bear looking robot would aid in lifting people from their beds, placing them in wheelchairs, and helping them stand up.  RIKEN has worked on similar projects in the past, but Robear stands out from the rest for two reasons.  

                First, it moves with speed and precision.  This is due to its use of actuators(motors responsible for moving and controlling) with a low gear ratio.  These motors also allow the robot to sense the force of the patient on itself and then gage its motions to make them more gentle.  Robear also includes three kinds of sensors that contribute to making gentle movements.  

                Second, Rober is light weight in itself,  making it easy to use.  At the same time it is able to lift around 175lbs.  This is extremely beneficial. One of the reasons Robear is being considered is that care givers have gotten lower back injuries from lifting people.  Robear would be light weight for care givers to use and it could perform heavy lifting tasks.  Check out the video below to see Robear at work.

                Robear may sound great and I am positive that this advancement can help in the nursing care field, but there are a few other things to consider.  I spoke with some elderly relatives about this new technology and their first response was  annoyance.

                 Why do robots have to take over jobs that are meant for people?  They expressed that human beings need human contact.  A robot cannot be compassionate.  They cannot understand how you are feeling from one day to the next.  The times when you need people the most, the last thing you want to see is a robot.  It was also made clear that this is true for people of any age.

                Having listened to family members  who work within the nursing care field, I know that care givers are concerned about how to best meet the needs of the people they work with, without injuring themselves.  Sometimes they need help moving or lifting someone, but no one else is around.

                Robear could be extremely beneficial in relieving the physical and mental stress that accompanies these kinds of situations.  At the same time they know that meeting the emotional needs of a person is just as important as meeting their physical needs.  This can only come from the human touch. 

                I personally feel that this technological advancement can be beneficial, but it should never replace human contact.  God created us to be relational.  This is one of the characteristics that points to people being made in the image of God.  In Genesis chapter two God made it clear that it was not good for man to be alone.  So, no matter how far advanced we become in technological equipment, we should never let it take away from the relationships God wants us to have with each other and Himself.

Resources: RIKENTech Times, The Corner News, Bible ESV

Friday, February 27, 2015

FAA Releases Drone Regulations

                There is nothing like looking at a big open sky.  But will this scene change in the next five years?  Do you expect anything other than birds and planes to be flying through the air? Last week the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) revealed the proposed laws for drone ownership and operation.  Drones have been used by the government and military for some time, but these laws consider the release of ownership and operation rights to business owners who are civilians. 

                Now that the regulations have been released they are under  public review and comment.  This means that we will most likely not see any drones  flying around for a few years as the period for review last  at least until 2017.

                Many drones are used for surveillance reasons  and they can also be used for remote controlled attacks(specifically in the military).   Video cameras can be attached to these unmanned flying machines as well.   In some ways these drones are beneficial, but like anything if they get in the wrong hands they can cause great devastation. What will these drones do?  Will they be beneficial, and what does it mean  for our society? 

                Interestingly, when the FAA released their regulations the president also issued a presidential decision directive that requires federal agencies using drones to disclose to the government where they are flying the drones and what kind of information is being collected from the drones.   This has not been required in the past.   Do we really want a centralized federal agency?

                I couldn't help but think off George Orwell's  1984 and the telescreen.  If the government is requiring all information gather from these drones to be shared with the government, what does that say about our right to privacy.  

                If a government can make people share information, why can't they make people have "telescreens" in their homes.  Where does the association between technology and government stop?  Are technological advancements good if they are only being used to the benefit of one entity.  The question then becomes, who will be the entity to have control over all the others?

                As citizens what should our response be in this time of review and comment?  At this time, we still have the right to share our thoughts, opinions, and concerns.  I encourage you to make your thoughts known to our government. As usually the government can find us, but they cannot be found(I could find no link to make comments on this issue). Maybe you will have better luck. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

FDA approves 23andMe DNA testing kit

             When you hear the word genetics, what's the first thing that pops into your mind?  I think of my grandmother.   For as long as I can remember, I have been told that I look like her and I can see this for myself. 

                Our facial features are not the only thing that shows our relation.  Our hands are the same size, we wear the same shoe size, we both have blond hair and blue eyes and the list goes on.  These are the parts of DNA that we can see, but what about the parts we can't?

                After previously banning DNA testing technologies, the Food and Drug Administration announced  this week that they have approved a genetic testing product created by 23andMe.  The relatively inexpensive product($99.00), provides the consumer  with their genetic information.  This includes: genetic traits, mutations, ancestral heritage and more.  Once you have taken the test, your results will be sent to you via email and scientific discoveries or news that relate to your information will also be provided. 

                A key aspect of this specific organization is to combine the internet technology with Scientific technology.   Genetic testing is not wrong, in fact I have seen firsthand how it can be helpful to those struggling with health issues.  But my question is this; if the internet already has an abundance of our information, should we also give it our genetic information. 

                 Up until recently, our genetic information has been something relatively hard to access and when it was accessed its accessibility to others was limited.  We need to be careful with whom we share this  information and how we use it.  If the internet were to leave control of the private sector and be owned by governments, should the government be able to look at our genetic information and decide who is genetically better than others?   Before we even had genetic testing the results of government prejudices became devastating(ex: Nazi Germany ). 

                The information we gain from this testing can be used to positively treat deficiencies and help peoples bodies function correctly.    But people can also use the information to  choose whether or not they will have children, or if they should genetically change their children.   

                No matter what the results of this advancement imply for our society, we need to remember who is in control.  The genetic deficiencies and mutations are a result of sin.  God did not intend for our incredible DNA system to make mistakes.  God knows our physical genetics but  he also sees our spiritual life.  He cares about  how we use the information He has given us.  Let's use it wisely for His glory, not for our own design.   

Resources: BBC News, 23andMe  

Friday, February 13, 2015

Five years - The Solar Dynamics Observatory

               What were you doing five years ago on February 11th? It's okay if you don't remember, because  neither do I .  On the other hand, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) remembers exactly what happened; the Solar Dynamics Observatory was launched. 

Photo courtesy of SDO 

                  This incredible instrument captures images of the sun almost every second.  The information that is provided allows scientist to better understand  the Sun's eruptions ,magnetic fields, and its relation to the Earth's weather.  Celebrating the 5th anniversary of the launch NASA has created two videos which show some of the best images taken over the last five years.  I have posted one of those videos below.  I encourage you to watch it before you continue.

                  After watching this video I was in awe.  In awe of a Creator who spoke the sun into existence and put the laws in place that keep our universe together.  In Genesis 1:14-19 we read,   

 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so.  And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars.  And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth,  to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.   And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day. (ESV)

                Do you ever find yourself looking at technology in a negative light?  When you do remember this; God has allowed technological advances like the Solar Dynamics Observatory  to point to his glory and majesty.  

                You can appreciate the technology that God allows, but don't let it pull you away from Him.  Allow it to remind you that we have an incredible Creator and He is in control of everything.   Most importantly  remember  that  He has created something far superior to technology and he loves that creation very much.  Just look in the box below. 


Friday, February 6, 2015

The 3 Parent Child

Photo courtesy of 

                Since the dawn of time a child has been formed from the DNA of one father and one mother.  Did you ever think that one day DNA from three people would be present in a child?  On Tuesday the House of Commons in the United Kingdom voted in favor of mitochondria donation. 

                Like me you might be wondering what is mitochondria, and why would it be donated?   The mitochondria are the parts of a cell that regulate the growth and energy of a cell.  They are not a part of the nucleus(to see a full description click here).  If the mitochondria of a woman's egg cells are defective, their children are more likely to have life challenging or threatening diseases.  
                Mitochondria donation looks at the possibility of taking the nucleus out of an egg with bad mitochondria and placing it in the egg from a woman with good mitochondria.  The DNA of the natural parents will remain untouched in the nucleus(which controls personality, gender, hair color etc.) and the healthy mitochondria of the donor will surround it.  The result is a child with DNA from three people.  This change would be permanent, meaning that the child's children will all have the healthy mitochondria DNA.

Photo courtesy of Center for Genetics and Society 

                There are two ways this swap can take place.  First, with an unfertilized egg.  Second, with a fertilized embryo.  In the second situation both the donor and mother's eggs must be fertilized.  That means that the nucleus of the donor must be removed and discarded.  There goes another life.  It seems ironic that in order to save one life, you would kill another.  It is one thing when a person gives their life for another; it is all together different when a person's life is "volunteered" for death.

                What does this mean for the future?  If we have the scientific know-how and  technology to swap a nucleus, why not change the nucleus.  As a Christian what should our biblical response be?  Scientific and technological advances are a part of the world we live in, but how will we use them?  Are we using them to destroy or save a life?  When faced with challenging situations whose decision does it become, the governments , the doctors, or the individuals?  Ultimately where will it lead, where does it lead you? 

Friday, January 30, 2015

General Public vs. Some Scientists

Are you uneducated? According to a recent study by Pew Research Center  the difference between what scientists believe concerning scientific issues and what the general public believes, is  vastly separated(to see a shorter version of the study click here).   These scientists contribute the gap to our lack of understanding of what is being discussed.   Some scientist are faulting the education system for not teaching more science and math.   As the public, should we believe what these scientist are saying?           

Butter is Better  
 Let's look at history.  At one point scientists believed that the world was flat. Along came Galileo and he challenged that thought.  Was he uneducated?  Did he lack understanding?  Not at all.  He studied himself to have a better understanding and in the end had a better understanding than the majority that believed he was wrong.  Doctors used to think that bleeding people was the best way to "get the sickness out" of a person.  Now, we know that this is not helpful.   In recent years more scientists are realizing that margarine is not as good for you as they initially thought.  

  My point is this.  Scientists are learning too.  Do not let them tell you that all of their thoughts and theories are better than what you believe.  Just because one thing they say is true, does not imply that it is all true.  As Christians we need be responsible and test what we are hearing against Scripture and physical evidence.  

  Here's a thought.  How would these scientist respond to this hypothetical scenario. ... 

A recent poll showed that 95% of Christian theologians believe the Bible is true and historically accurate.  But only 56% percent of the general public agree with them.  Therefore, theologians have come to the conclusion that people are uneducated in the Bible and the education system needs to spend more time teaching the Bible alongside the historical facts that point to its accuracy

..... I have a feeling that this wouldn't go over very well. In reality how much hard, factual evidence( not based on their own theories) do these scientist have?  You have the right to know what else is being discovered.  To start your education excursion click here.


Friday, January 23, 2015

Are You Trusting a Chip?

             New Year's resolutions.  They seem to haunt you don't they?  What are your goals for the New Year?  How will this year be different from the last?  When it comes to New Year's resolutions, weight loss and physical fitness are within the top 10 New Year's resolutions made.  But did it ever occur to you that you would not have to exercise, diet,  or have bow/stomach reduction surgery in order to lose weight?

       This year the U.S. Food and Drug administration recently approved the Maestro Rechargeable System  for use in America.  Once in your body, this remote controlled  electronic implant blocks the communication line between your brain and stomach.  VoilĂ , you no longer feel hungry!  At first this might sound like a good idea, but what are the implications? 

            1.  You lose personal motivation to do something about the condition of your life.

            2.  You are allowing technological advancements to control a part of your life

            3.   You are putting your trust and faith in a computer chip, instead of God 

       After accepting this kind of computer chip in your body, where does it stop?  Why not have a chip that reminds you of all you appointments?  What about one that tells you what decisions you should make?  If it is technologically possible to block signals in your body with a remote controlled chip, why not send message to your body the same way.  

    In 2002 Focus on the Family released an Adventures in Odyssey series called "Battle Lines" .   

You could say they were ahead of their time.  In this series you hear of how a broadcasting company uses radio signals to control what people are thinking and buying.  The product they create in order to achieve this is marketed as something good that will help people with their memory and schooling. "Battle Lines" is entertaining yet thought provoking. 

      In Proverbs 3:5-6 we read, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths"(ESV).  Putting our trust in anything but God and trusting in our own judgments, only leads to disappointment and destruction. Not all technological advancements are bad, but how are you using them?  When life struggles come, are you trusting God or a computer chip?